Nespresso Vertuo vs Original: Which One Should You Buy?

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I love coffee, and I love Nespresso. Nespresso Vertuo vs Original line is a question that leaves most people scratching their heads. The difference between these two line of machines can be confusing. They are both great at making your morning cup of joe with minimal hassle. But which line is better? Which one should you buy? That’s what I’m going to tell you in this article.

The winner, in my opinion, are the Original line machines. Why? Because they make classic espresso with a thin layer of crema, just like in Italy. They also give me more control over my brew, and they’re faster, quieter, and cheaper than the Vertuo machines. Don’t get me wrong, the Vertuo machines are great too, but they’re not for me. Let me explain why.

What is the Nespresso Vertuoline?

Nespresso Vertuo Line

Nespresso Vertuo vs Original: The Nespresso Vertuo

Nespresso Vertuo

The Nespresso Vertuo line machines use a smart technology that spins the capsule and extracts the coffee with optimal settings for each brew.

You’ll get a rich and smooth coffee with a thick layer of crema on top, whether you choose an espresso, a double espresso, a gran lungo, a mug, or an alto size.

You’ll also have over 30 options of capsules to choose from, including some exclusive ones for Vertuo.

The Nespresso Vertuo machines are a great choice for coffee lovers who like to experiment and indulge.


You can make different sizes of coffee, from espresso to alto

You can enjoy a rich and smooth coffee with a thick layer of crema

You don’t have to worry about settings or parameters, as the machine does everything for you

You have more choices of capsules, including some exclusive ones for Vertuo


The capsules are more expensive than Original ones

The machine is larger and heavier than Original ones

The machine takes longer to heat up and brew than Original ones

The coffee is not as hot as Original ones

The Nespresso Vertuo is a newer line of machines that was launched in 2014.

It uses a patented technology called Centrifusion, which spins the capsule at high speed and extracts the coffee with water pressure.

The Vertuo machines can read a barcode on each capsule, which tells them how much water, temperature, and extraction time to use for each brew.

The result is a rich and smooth coffee with a thick layer of crema on top.

The Vertuo machines can brew five different sizes of coffee: espresso (1.35 oz), double espresso (2.7 oz), gran lungo (5 oz), mug (7.7 oz), and alto (14 oz).

The Vertuo capsules are dome-shaped and come in different colors and sizes, depending on the type of coffee.

There are over 30 varieties of Vertuo capsules, including espresso, lungo, decaf, flavored, and limited edition blends.

What is the Nespresso Originalline?

Nespresso Original Line

Nespresso Pixie

The Nespresso Original machines uses a traditional pump system that extracts the coffee with high pressure and hot water.

You’ll get a simple and elegant interface with buttons or levers to select the brew size.

You’ll also have three options of coffee sizes: ristretto, espresso, and lungo.

You’ll have over 20 options of capsules to choose from, including some limited edition ones for Original.

The Nespresso Original machine is a great choice for coffee lovers who like to customize and enjoy their brew.


You can make a classic espresso with a thin layer of crema

You can customize your brew by adjusting the volume or using third-party capsules

The machine is smaller and lighter than Vertuo ones

The machine is faster and quieter than Vertuo ones


You can only make small sizes of coffee, up to lungo

The machine is larger and heavier than Original ones

You have to manually select the brew size or stop

You have fewer choices of capsules, especially for larger sizes

The crema is not as thick as Vertuo ones

The Nespresso Original is the older line of machines that was launched in 1986.

It uses a traditional pump system that creates 19 bars of pressure and extracts the coffee with hot water.

The Original machines have a simple interface with buttons or levers to select the brew size. The result is a classic espresso with a thin layer of crema on top.

The Original machines can brew three sizes of coffee: ristretto (0.85 oz), espresso (1.35 oz), and lungo (3.7 oz).

The Original capsules are smaller and cup-shaped, and they come in different colors, depending on the intensity of the coffee.

There are over 20 varieties of Original capsules, including espresso, lungo, decaf, flavored, and limited edition blends.

Nespresso Vertuo vs Original: Main Differences

The main differences between Vertuo and Original are:

  • Brewing method: Vertuo uses Centrifusion technology, while Original uses pump pressure.
  • Capsule recognition: Vertuo can read a barcode on each capsule, while Original does not have this feature.
  • Brew sizes: Vertuo can brew five sizes of coffee, while Original can brew three sizes.
  • Capsule shape: Vertuo capsules are dome-shaped and larger, while Original capsules are cup-shaped and smaller.
  • Capsule variety: Vertuo has more varieties of capsules, including larger ones for mug and alto sizes, while Original has fewer varieties, but more options for espresso lovers.
  • Crema: Vertuo produces more crema than Original, but some people might prefer the thinner crema of Original.

Let’s dive into them.

Brewing method

Vertuo uses a unique Centrifusion technology, which spins the capsule at high speed and blends the coffee grounds with water to extract the flavor and aroma. This method creates a rich and smooth coffee with a thick layer of crema on top. Original, on the other hand, uses a traditional pump pressure system, which forces hot water through the capsule and produces a more intense and authentic espresso with a thin layer of crema.

Capsule recognition

Vertuo has a smart feature that can read a barcode on each capsule and adjust the brewing parameters accordingly. This means that you don’t have to worry about selecting the right size, temperature, or extraction time for your coffee. The machine will do it for you automatically. Original does not have this feature, so you have to manually choose the brew size and press the button to start and stop the brewing process.

Brew sizes

Vertuo can brew five different sizes of coffee, ranging from 1.35 oz espresso to 14 oz alto. This gives you more flexibility and options to enjoy your coffee, whether you want a small shot or a large mug. Original can brew three sizes of coffee: 0.85 oz ristretto, 1.35 oz espresso, and 3.7 oz lungo. These are ideal for espresso lovers who want to savor the flavor and aroma of their coffee in smaller cups.

Capsule shape

Vertuo capsules are dome-shaped and larger than Original capsules, which are cup-shaped and smaller. The shape and size of the capsules affect the amount of coffee grounds and water that can fit inside them, as well as the brewing method and crema production. Vertuo capsules have more coffee grounds and water, which allow for longer extraction and more crema. Original capsules have less coffee grounds and water, which result in shorter extraction and less crema.

Capsule variety

Vertuo has more varieties of capsules than Original, including larger ones for mug and alto sizes. You can choose from different roasts, origins, flavors, and intensities to suit your taste and mood. Vertuo also offers decaf and half-caffeinated options for those who want to limit their caffeine intake. Original has fewer varieties of capsules, but more options for espresso lovers. You can find different blends, intensities, and limited editions to enjoy your espresso in different ways. Original also has decaf options available.


Vertuo produces more crema than Original, but some people might prefer the thinner crema of Original. Crema is the layer of foam that forms on top of your coffee when it is brewed. It adds texture, flavor, and aroma to your coffee, but it also depends on your personal preference. Some people like more crema because it makes their coffee smoother and creamier. Others like less crema because it lets them taste the pure flavor of their coffee.

Feature Vertuo lineOriginal line
Brewing methodCentrifusionPump pressure
Capsule recognitionYesNo
Brew sizes53
Capsule shapeDomeCup
Capsule varietyMoreLess
Brewing methodCentrifusionPump pressure
Feature comparison: Nespresso Vertuo vs Original

Nespresso Vertuo vs Original: Which One Should You Buy?

The answer depends on your personal preference and needs. Here are some questions to ask yourself before buying a Nespresso machine:

  • What size of coffee do you usually drink?
  • How much crema do you like on your coffee?
  • How much control do you want over your brew?
  • How much space do you have on your countertop?
  • How much are you willing to spend on capsules?

If you prefer to drink larger sizes of coffee, like mug or alto, and you like a lot of crema on your coffee, then one of the Vertuo machines might be a good choice for you. You’ll enjoy a variety of capsules and a hassle-free brewing experience. However, you’ll have to pay more for the capsules and the machine, and you’ll need more space and time to use it.

If you prefer to drink smaller sizes of coffee, like espresso or lungo, and you don’t mind a thinner crema on your coffee, then the Original might be a better option for you. You’ll get a classic espresso and a customizable brew. You’ll also save money and space with the capsules and the machine, and you’ll have a faster and quieter brewing process.

Final Thoughts

We are spoilt for choice when it comes to espresso machines. Nespresso Vertuo and Original are both great options for making coffee at home. If you like coffee makers, you might want to check out a Keurig machine. They both use capsules to brew coffee, but they have different features and benefits. The Vertuo is more advanced and versatile, while the Original is more simple and classic. The best one for you depends on your personal taste and needs. I hope this article helped you compare the Nespresso Vertuo vs Original machines and capsules, and decide which one is best for you. Happy brewing!


Q: What is the difference between Nespresso Vertuo and Original machines?

A: The main difference between Nespresso Vertuo and Original machines is the type of coffee capsules they use and the way they brew coffee. Nespresso Vertuo machines use a patented extraction method called Centrifusion, which spins the capsule rapidly while infusing it with water to create a rich crema and a variety of coffee sizes, from espresso to alto. Nespresso Original machines use a traditional pump system that applies pressure to the capsule to extract a ristretto, espresso, or lungo. Both machines can make espresso-based drinks, but only Vertuo machines can make larger coffee drinks as well.

Q: Which Nespresso machine is better for espresso lovers?

A: If you are a dedicated espresso lover, you might prefer a Nespresso Original machine over a Vertuo machine. Nespresso Original machines offer a more authentic espresso experience, with a wider choice of coffee capsules, better budget options, and built-in milk frothing features on some models. Nespresso Original capsules are also compatible with third-party varieties, which can give you more flexibility and variety in your coffee choices.

Q: Which Nespresso machine is better for coffee drinkers who want more options?

A: If you are a fan of longer coffees or want a mugful of coffee, you might like a Nespresso Vertuo machine better than an Original machine. Nespresso Vertuo machines can make five different cup sizes, from a single espresso to a 14 oz alto XL, similar to a large coffee shop drink. Each Vertuo capsule has a barcode that tells the machine how much water to use and how long to brew, so you don’t have to worry about choosing the right settings. Nespresso Vertuo machines also produce a thicker crema than Original machines, which can enhance the flavor and aroma of your coffee.

Q: How easy are Nespresso Vertuo and Original machines to use and maintain?

A: Both Nespresso Vertuo and Original machines are designed to be user-friendly and easy to maintain. They have simple one-touch operation, automatic capsule ejection, removable water tanks, and energy-saving modes. They also have descaling alerts and programs to keep them clean and efficient. The main difference is that Nespresso Vertuo machines have a smart recognition system that automatically adjusts the brewing parameters based on the capsule barcode, while Nespresso Original machines require you to manually select the cup size and stop the flow. Nespresso Vertuo machines also have a larger water tank and capsule container than most Original machines, which means less frequent refilling and emptying.

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Coffee aficionado Ryan Bahar is the Editor-in-Chief at While most people love a good morning cup of joe, only a few can appreciate the art involved in grinding coffee beans, taste the difference between coffee from Ethiopia to Guatemala to Colombia, or identify terrible coffee products dressed up with fancy marketing. Ryan wants to use his coffee expertise to bring you the most authentic coffee tips, guides and reviews on the web.